(Waukegan, IL) – Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart issued the following statement today regarding the abhorrent cartoon (WARNING – contains disturbing image of graphic violence against women) that was published in the Vernon Township Republican newsletter last week minimizing domestic violence and expounding misogynist and racist views. 

“This is a stunning and disgusting moment for Lake County Republicans. Domestic Violence is no laughing matter. Every Republican candidate should denounce this sexist, racist, and Trump-like cartoon that dismisses violence against women while ridiculing those who want reproductive rights. Local Republicans are driving this dangerous, toxic culture by openly embracing Trump and JD Vance – who will do and say anything to increase their own anti-women and anti-choice agenda.

“As State’s Attorney, I’ve increased the number of domestic violence prosecutors and victim counselors, and the office is holding more domestic abusers in our jail than ever – without access to cash bail. In partnership with A Safe Place, we are leading the region with our federally-funded Human Trafficking Prosecution task force because we recognize the deep root causes of domestic violence and exploitation of others. 

“We also know that after the fall of Roe v. Wade, reproductive rights will be decided in our local courthouse. Anti-choice forces in Texas, Tennessee, and other places are attempting to exert their extreme power into Illinois. I will always fight for the right to choose. Instead of talking about this vital privacy issue, local Republicans are making jokes.

“As we increase resources and partnerships for domestic violence survivors throughout Lake County, I call on all Republican elected leaders and candidates to tell us exactly where they stand on this repugnant cartoon so that we can figure out who to trust in office, who should be working with law enforcement, and who is working in good faith with local anti-domestic violence groups such as A Safe Place, Mano a Mano, Haces, Prairie State Legal, North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic, and so many others.”