Eric is making Lake County SAFER and FAIRER with Real Results
Reducing violent crime
Reducing violent crime by building the first ever Violent Crimes Unit with the most experienced trial prosecutors who support police, enhance investigations immediately, and hold offenders accountable by being READY for trial.
Connecting with federal partners to fight human trafficking in Lake County
Connecting with federal partners to fight human trafficking in Lake County by securing a federal grant of over $1 million dollars to hire personnel who are dedicated to supporting the victims of human trafficking and convicting traffickers who exploit others.
Preventing violent crime
Preventing violent crime by winning over $4 million in federal and state grants to build the first ever Gun Violence Prevention Initiative which addresses the root causes of violence and connects at-risk youth to mediators, services, and treatment.
Amplifying the Voice of the Victim
Amplifying the Voice of the Victim by increasing the number of victim support professionals, doubling the number of Spanish speaking victim specialists, and hiring the first Chief of Victim Services to ensure compliance with the Victim Bill of Rights.
Preventing crime & treating those in need
Preventing crime & treating those in need who suffer from mental health crises and substance abuse disorder by starting the Living Room Wellness Deflection program for non-violent offenders and by expanding the number of lawyers working on drug court on mental health court.
Modernizing the office through technology and transparency
Modernizing the office through technology and transparency by: a) securing a federal grant to significantly upgrade our forensic cyber-lab which is used by nearly all police departments; b) building the first-of-its kind data dashboard via grant funding; and c) leading the county in the integration of a paperless docketing system.
Restoring trust with the community by promoting constitutional policing
Restoring trust with the community by promoting constitutional policing through an increased “Brady List” and, for the first time ever, written proseuctor protocols and procedures for the problem of biased or untruth witnesses. We have also increased training for police and prosecutors to prevent false confessions and wrongful prosecutions.
Protecting working families
Protecting working families by partnering with labor stakeholders to enforce wage classification laws and to ensure that every appropriate contractor follows Lake County’s Responsible Bidder Ordinance. We have also connected labor leaders with law enforcement partners to make sure that First Amendment rights of striking workers are protected.
Increasing community input into the office
Increasing community input into the office by reviving the Juvenile Justice Council of community members, increasing the number of meetings of the Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Coordinating Council, hosting more community forums, and building a larger, more user-friendly website.
Protecting consumers and taxpayers
Protecting consumers and taxpayers by filing the first-ever lawsuit from an Illinois county against insulin manufacturers who artificially increased insulin prices and filing bid-rigging cases against public contractors.