A Real Plan To Combat
Domestic Violence

A Real Plan To Combat
Domestic Violence
The Growing Crisis
Domestic Violence is one of the most damaging crimes in our society. One in four women will be abused, and domestic violence costs our society more than 37 billion dollars a year in terms of law enforcement, legal costs, lost productivity, and most importantly medical and mental health treatment.
It is a crime that cycles through and destroys families — regardless of race or class. But the current State’s Attorney’s Office is not standing up for victims in Lake County or protecting all communities. Now, more than ever, as the response to COVID-19 has tragically increased instances of Domestic Violence, we must act now.
As State’s Attorney, I will acknowledge the scope of this crisis by publishing monthly statistics on our domestic violence caseload. I will work with all communities to develop common-sense solutions, and then energetically execute new policies that finally protect those most in need. We must be bold and innovative — and not merely treat Domestic Violence as a talking point or a photo opportunity.
My Vision
We must reduce the incidents of domestic violence cases through a forceful, innovative, and public initiative. We must bring energy and focus to this defeating this crisis. It will take a county-wide effort using evidence-based practices with transparent leadership to reverse the tide.
One of my primary motivations for entering this race is to address the ways that the current office has failed victims. I have seen this office ignore victims’ legal and moral rights, lose trials it should have won, and fail to develop coherent policies to reduce crime and fight the causes of domestic, sexual, and street violence.
I have seen all too often that the number one determining factor for how this office resolves cases is the socio-economic status of the victim. The trauma that such victims suffer ripples throughout their lives and causes damage that few people understand. This trauma can lead to mental health issues and substance abuse disorders. I am 100% committed to ending this cycle as Lake County State’s Attorney.
Common Sense Solutions:
• We will declare war on domestic violence in Lake County. And we will act with an urgency and energy never seen before from the State’s Attorney’s Office when it comes to confronting the growing domestic violence crisis in our county.
• We will form a “Domestic Violence Initiative” which will be an umbrella group of law enforcement agencies, municipal governments, schools, churches, social service groups, victims’ rights groups, and counseling organizations to develop a coherent countywide policy to decrease the number and severity of domestic violence incidents in Lake County.
• We will stop losing trials involving victims by moving resources from the prosecution of non-violent crimes and civil forfeiture litigation to the prosecution of violent offenses.
• We will finally utilize modern technology to ensure that abusers stop intimidating victims.
• We will expand the current treatment courts (Veteran’s Court, Drug Court, and Mental Health Court) so that at least ten times as many people can be helped– and in this way fight the cycle of violence.
• We will institute a new public awareness campaign to deter abusers.
• I will work with legislators in Springfield to enact common-sense reforms such as those contained in Joyce Mason’s legislation House Bill 3402.
• We will establish a Victims’ Advisory Panel that will meet monthly to create accountability for my office and to make sure we are hearing from all types of victims.
• Our office will fully comply with Marsy’s law regarding victim’s rights.
• I will overhaul the domestic violence courtrooms by communicating with victims, assigning experienced prosecutors, and committing resources to trials so that these courtrooms are no longer a revolving door for abusers.
• We will work with the 19th Judicial Circuit Court and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office to create one web page that consolidates Lake County links to information for domestic violence and sexual assault victims.
Visit more of Rinehart’s Plan for Reform